
Wisdom is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the book of Wisdom, we find the literary voice of Solomon, the model king and seeker of wisdom sharing his meditations. Concepts from Greek philosophy are integrated into Jewish tradition to present new insights into how wisdom can be both a quality of God and a human characteristic. Three affirmations in this lyrical book especially resonate for modern Christians: the kingdom of God means...

actions instruct Israel while punishing their enemies (12:21). Israel learns about God by watching God act in history. Like other wisdom books, Wisdom of Solomon puts a premium on learning through the “discipline” of the teacher. Wisdom 12:23–27 returns to the principles stated at the beginning of the digression (11:15–16)—people are punished through the choices they make (cf. 12:23, 27), and worship of animals brings punishment by means of animals (see 12:24). In keeping with the Platonic philosophical
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